Acne is a very big problem, especially for teenagers, where about 89% of them have acne. But how do we give a better solution to this problem that has been talked about and continues to be talked about for years?
The age at which acne starts is mainly 10-17 years for women and 13-19 years for men. Some of the factors that promote acne irritation are:
1) Endocrine factors
2) Genetic factors
3) Emotional factors
4) Unbalanced diet-insulin resistance
5) Inappropriate cosmetic products
Occlusion or pressure on the skin (even the use of phones called mechanical acne) and should be considered in every patient
Acne is not caused by chocolates or any type of food, but in some patients it has an impact as a result of insulin resistance. Acne is a multifactorial problem that affects both internal and external factors. The mechanism of acne formation includes several mechanisms such as:
* Abnormal keratinization and the interaction between hormones (androgen) and bacteria (propioni bacterium acne) in the pilo-sebaceous unit (of hair and fat).
* The forms of acne are different, starting from the non-inflammatory ones where we have comedones (black dots) and white dots.
* Inflammatory acne where you see the red pimples and those with pus (papulo-pustulosis), nodulo-cystic forms, conglobata acne, fulminans, where if you are not careful and do not treat them in time, then the possibility of scars is bigger and your skin will appear with ups and downs as well as pigmentation.
It is very important to cooperate with the dermatologist in order to receive treatment from the initial stages. Very often we hear from parents that it is just age spots and they will go away and need to be treated, but considering that acne is a very factorial problem it is almost impossible to get rid of all these problems without treating them and showing the necessary care.
The treatments depend on the form and the treatment continues for years in collaboration with the doctor, starting with local treatment and specific washing to remove excess fat to maintain a proper pH of the skin, oral treatment accompanied by laser, blue light, IPL as and care to minimize and then treat the scars and pigmentation left after healing.
Dr. Brunilda Bardhi